Monday, June 11, 2012

God's Gift to Me...My Husband

Eighteen years ago I got married.  We got married when we were still in college.  I have never regretted the who I married, but I in some ways I did regret the when.   It was hard to be married, take classes, and then both work several jobs.  There was one semester when we didn't see each other, save when we passed each other on Highway 32 somewhere between Daleville and Yorktown.  He was doing classes at Ball State and would be heading back to work.  I was student teaching in Yorktown and working nights at Ball Memorial.  I would keep my eyes peeled for his black Camero and would wave as I passed by.  It was not easy to manage studies effectively and then also start a married life together.  We didn't really do that in the best way.  That was soooo long ago.   I remember our first few anniversaries when we tried to do something "unique" and "different".   An early anniversary that I remember involved going golfing for the first time.  I was really terrible of course, and we had to stop a lot to let other people play through.  Then an employee came out to the green and said, "Just take her to green and let her putt"...because I was doing such a terrible job driving the ball.  When all that was done, we took off on the most exciting adventure ever that completely changed us.  We headed off around the world to work in Indonesia. 

Our thirteen years in Indonesia brought many changes in our lives, but probably the biggest changes were the 3 wonderful young men who joined our family! :) We endured alot in another country--both good and bad.  But, what made it all wonderful was going through it with Casey.   I will remember flying to Bali for one anniversary and I will also never forget a more recent anniversary (#14) when we got to spend a few days almost completely isolated on a remote tropical island. That was pretty stinkin' fabulous :)

Often when we hit an anniversary, I find myself wanting to assess how we could do it better.  I start thinking of the things I feel that we could improve as we continue on this journey together.  Today I just want to give thanks for the husband God gave me.  I thank God that we got to experience a new culture and language together.  I am thankful that God gave us three most excellent sons to raise.  I am thankful for the wisdom God has given my husband and for his care and protection for his family.  I am thankful for the dedication that he gives to the job he hates, so he can provide for us.  I know that God has used his life to bless others and I know that this place, where he is right now, is not permanent.  I hope for something where Casey can use the talents God has given him in order to be a blessing to others.   I am also really thankful that he loves me---and puts up with me :).

Right now we are living by someone who lost their spouse recently.  It hurts my heart to think of being without the person you love.   I do not want to take this man---my sweet husband--for granted...ever.  I do hope and pray that we get so spend many  more days together.  I also know that I must live in the now and treasure every day I am given.

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